Thursday, June 23, 2011

Final thoughts

Wow, five weeks have gone by already! Crazy how the older you get the faster time goes bye. I must say I enjoyed our blog disscussions and everyone had great topics to talk about where everyone could relate or comment. I have learned a lot about media through this journey of blogs, discussions, screenings, readings and papers. I also thought of obvious things that I never really thought about before or paid any attention too. Like stereotyping in the media, how selfish people have come with technology uses, the dependency our generations has towards all media mediums and the psychological power the media has on its audiences. Not only did I learn from this class i learned from all my classmates as well, their thoughts, opinions and  comments opened my eyes a little more to all of this mass media stuff. I also liked the movie The Age of Stupid so much I sent it to some friends who watched it as well, just spreading the wealth. Its interesting how many aspects of media their are and how many elements go into it. I never new how huge of a topic media really is, this class along with another online class I took has gotten me that much more interested in media studies. Hopefully this can lead me in a direction?... Peace All

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Camera Crazy

Its amazing how big Facebook has gotten, (an issue we have all talked about frequently in our blogs) However, would Facebook be as interesting and used if people didn't take pictures. Everywhere i go girls and guys are snapping photos to not only hold the memories or load them on Facebook for every to see and comment. This nice couple at work who are regulars, wanted me to be in a picture with them the last thing they said was, "find us one Facebook you can comment the pic!" I am on FB but how did they know? they assumed. It seems people are taking pictures only for the purpose of posting them online to flaunt and show people the night they had or the outfits they wore. I mean don't get me wrong, i definitely  frequently load pictures on FB I am guilty of this, I just think its crazy how we have all become so obsessed with picture taking, due to FB. However, cameras do add a hugeeeee factor to the media today. Pictures are everywhere and I mean everywhere, TV, all over the internet, billboards, trucks, cars, buses, stores, magazines everything has pictures, it captures life and puts it on things for people to see. Pictures help the media out in multiple ways, where would advertising be without them? Its amazing how easy it is for people to take pics and upload onto the computer. All in all pictures are an asset to the media world.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Impression Management

I was reading about impression management earlier today and it was creepy to realize and understand how so many people online, which is millions of people have online accounts to many different social networking sites and others. With impression management you can create who you want you to be. You perceive your concept of self and  how people present themselves to others. This brings me to the idea of online dating, its becoming such a popular method of romantic realtionship finding, i'm surprised their hasn't been more rape stories and killing stories due to online dating. (a good thing don't get me wrong) but with all the creeps out their, how easy is it for them to make an account, make a profile upload some random pictures  of someone they want to be and start a relationship with an unsuspecting desperate possible mate. Its scary to think about. I mean any of us could  do it, its that easy. Computer mediated communication allows you make your own impressions, identity that you probably wouldn't be able to play out in real life, then you have the freedom to experiment and control who you can and cant talk to. I think about it, and how many people are in CMC relationships with people who want to kill them. Yikes!! i also dont really agree with the fact that you can find somebody through internet usage and meet in real life and get married, obviously people lack f2f communication skills and then their meeting in real life to be able to be compadable? However, i could see how two socially awkward people could just be breaking the ice through online....i don't know i'm just rambling.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Radio,eh not so much!

What is up with the radio these days? I don't know you about you guys but I cant listen to it, ever. Not only do I find most radio talk shows, boring as I get sick of listening to the same voice over and over, but it's also like listening to the same CD over and over again. They don;t seem to get the newest hits right away and they play oldies over and over again, so annoying! I will be on the highway, and click through my 5 programmed radio stations, click through each one, then I plug in my Ipod, right away. I don't even know why  I bother with the stations. Maybe all this new "at your command and pleasure" technologies that the world has come up with alters my perspective of the radio. Media has changed drastically since we all were kids, like i'm not going to lie I remember a time where the radio was cool. Or my opinion on this could contribute to my age, the radio is however an appropriate place for kids to listen to edited music and not hear all the swear words in America, even the talk show hosts don't  swear which is good. My mom has the radio on in our house all the time (not a station I would pick if I had too) and i literally know all the words to the songs because they play the same damn thing over and over again. They also have all the same, contest like "Guess that artist" or "What movie is this" so my point, is the radio media is getting pretty stale these days.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rude !

I waitress as a summer job, and I enjoy the face to face communication and interactions with the pubic. I like hearing peoples random stories and inputs and giving people information about the island in which I live. I typically go around my job with a perky attitude and manors manors manors.  HOWEVER, some people in this world don't have a manor in them. It is amazing to me, to experience rude people who give a crap less about a server. Today for example this man and his wife came in, right as I walked up the table he rudly spits out the order at me, not even looking at my me! He didn't let me greet them, tell them the specials or ask them if they wanted drinks or coffee, This throws off my routine so I politely said, "I'm sorry Sr, let me grab you the juices and coffee first, then I quickly grab your order. He just sits their in silence, as his wife starts asking me these ridiculous questions, like, " Can I have your decaf tea, but is is fake decaf tea or real decaf tea" I said "Well mam, it says decaffeinated herbal mint tea on the box" the man  rudely intertups saying "Go get the package and let us see four ourselves" (hes lucky my boss had her day off, she loves rude people) I was appalled at his rude manor ism. it was disgusting that people can be so rude to others especially a server, he treated me as if I was his slave. The fact people in this generation can treat others with such disrespect, makes me think about how much communication between people has been altered and failed. I also wait on tons and tons of children who also have NO manors, they grab the juice out of my hand, say "i don't want this anymore" and push a plate at me, " i want milk" no please no thank yous, as the parents just sit their. Its just so sad, parenting is lacking these days. Manors are so important when communication with strangers and especially wile in a restaurant enviorment.

Monday, June 13, 2011

True Life/Intervention

Digital media does a good job of showing every possible situation, sexual acts, animal life story's, teen mom story's, drug addict story's, reality tv, gossip, celebrities, documentaries on everybody, you name it the tube has it. Channels like National Geographic, TLC, A&E and MTV have many documented shows about real life people living with challenges they are trying to overcome. MTV in particular is one of them, and i'm sure were all aware of the show Intervention and True Life. These shows have many episodes of people doing drugs, they show this act right on live Television and not past any certain late night time. Kids of all ages can watch this if they are not being monitored by parents. They literary show the people in these shows doing the drugs, dope, coke, alcohol, heroin you name it, they show the methods they use, how they use it and then they show them being high afterwards. This is not very educational for younger kids who obtain this kind of information at such a young age. The shows don't even have a moral at the end, some of the people don't even get better, they just exploit their drug problem on TV. But lets face it that's what our viewers want to see.  Its disturbing that these kinds of things are what interests people, and we all like watching the unknown or bad things. Why is that! Anyways i find shows like this to be pointless as well as disturbing, it shouldn't be on the air for kids or teens to watch, it teaches you how drugs are used and how "normal" it almost is that so many people choose to use. Oh Digital Media what will you come out with next?

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I was reading an article about cybersex and how it’s considered as a form of adultery these days. I was reading this article because it’s a subject that was brought up in another online course which I am currently enrolled in. We were disusing in a discussion board if we think cybersex is a form of adultery. The girls in my group posted that they do not feel that “CMC” (computer mediated communication) cybersex and sexting via cell phones is considered cheating. They said they would not terminate any kind of romantic relationship if they found out their significant other was doing this, however they would tell them to stop and if they didn’t then they would. My opinion stood out from theirs because I believe cybersex or sexting through cell phones IS a form of adultery. I’m sorry, but if my boyfriend is sexting or cybersexing (however you call it) another girl sending and receiving dirty photos and using intimate language back and forth I would NOT be ok with this. Even though this is not physically being done, there is still an emotional bond between the two participants of this act. They are expressing sexual interests and that’s a personal, intimate thing that you do only with your significant other. I mean, wouldn’t he or she be hiding this act, yes, so why are they hiding it? Because it’s WRONG! Cybersex is so common these days it can even become an addiction. I think the sex through the net is a real life encounter even though not physically. It takes two to tango, and your real life talking back and forth obviously hiding these CMC and cellphone relationships, then how is this not a form of cheet? I just don’t see how anybody would think this is not a form of cheating if you have a significant other.  This is the article I was reading, and I can completely agree with it, hands down. Now I’m not one to judge so I hope I didn’t offend anybody but I would love to hear you guy’s opinions on this, if you agree or disagree. Interesting topic

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When technology fails we become stupid

So, technology is great and all, we’ve established this through this blogging assignment, that indeed technology it has its perks, like, keeping in touch with family and friends- FaceBook and e-mail. Updating us on life situations, disasters, politics, and tragic stories- television. Listening to music, hottest rap artist country singers, and an occasional chance to win concert tickets- the radio. Looking up information at the touch of your fingers using Google, Yahoo – Computer Internet access, AND lastly being able to text and call somebody, anybody, where ever you are with the touch of your mobile device- cell phones. HOWEVER, what happens with these things malfunction or break. What do we do then? It’s funny  to me how technology gives us the smarts to look up information, connect with people from across the world or edit photos and movies, but then when it breaks….what’s so smart about us then. Don’t get me wrong a lot of people know tricks and ways of fixing technology and there’s always customer service. But what about all those who can’t get around fixing it, which are many.  We are left with nothing and right back to square one, before technology got so complex. I’ll use myself as an example, when I was out to dinner waiting for my friend to meet me from work. As I sit, my phone (NEW PHONE GR) decided to stop working for me and goes black screened, so  I sat there for 30 minutes alone as she never arrived; their I am clueless as to what happened to her because my dam cell phone broke.( And because of the cell phone, who remember numbers anymore!) I couldn’t remember her number to use somebody else’s to call her. I also didn’t know if I should wait longer, go to her work and see if she had to work longer or go home! It was so frustrating, I almost felt panicked. Anyways just an example of how “dumb” (no offence) we are left when technology stops working. What about the television, when the cable goes out in the middle of breaking news, how freaked out do we get!? Anyways, my point is, How stupid do we feel when technology breaks! It’s so sad, but hey this is our generation and what life has come to be! Scary!

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Power of Words

Check out this You Tube clip!
The media can represent many things in a positive way. Not only can it show us things from real time situations, destructions and fantasy worlds but it can show us powerful meaningful messages that can  be important and inspiring to people. Not only does YouTube have is junk videos but some of the videos are powerful to humans. Like this one for example, it gives me the message on how powerful words can really be. Just a short saying with 8 words in it can change an human’s perceptions on how they feel towards another person, Amazing. I believe that words are actions, and the Medias functions can show these kinds of lessons, again this video for example. Words and language are a powerful tool in order to express feelings, thoughts and ideas. It’s important to see how words can really impact people. Creating these kinds of clips is teaching short life lessons through media technology is very important as well as beneficial to society. I like how YouTube can have its fun and jokes but it can also have a serious side as well. There should be more YouTube clips like this one posted to peoples FaceBook walls, it wouldn't hurt! I just love this video.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Cell phone, crazy

It was time for a new cell phone, so I went to the Verizon store. I have had the Envy three for as long as I can remember. I'm not technology savvy nor do I care if i have the latests ipod, computer or cell so I could care less what I get, as long as I can call people and text somebody asking them what their doing later. So, I go into the store and I'm looking around, I ask an employee to help me, (obviously). And hes showing me all these scary looking phones, Droid, Blackberry Curve the Iphone, hes telling me all these features and applications the phones can do, which scare me a little considering its foreign to me. As I looked around I saw little girls in about 8th grade begging their moms for the Blackberry Curve, so If they could do it i assumed I could. Until he told me the catch, 30 extra bucks a month for the smart phones, all of them. Since I could care less if I can check my e-mail on my phone (that's what a good old computer is for right?) i say no, as he directs me over to the ONE, yes ONE choice I have for a phone that's not a smart phone. As i picked up this little old phone, (however its a touch screen and keyboard that makes me cool right?!) I realized how technology crazy this world really truly is. You can get all sorts of Media through phones, imagine! So, then i realized, i'm happy with my dinky "out of date" phone!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Soap Opera Doesn't = Real Life

So as I was reading the textbook reading for week two, I came across something that caught my attention that I never really thought about but completely agree with. On page 60, section Long-running “open” narratives uses the example of Soaps. Soap Operas can be defined as open ended or multi stranded serial forms that leave cliff hangers at the end of each one to keep you tuned for next week’s show, this continues for weeks and weeks at end as we all know. I like how the books put the perspective of how viewers watch these soaps as ethnographic, how the shows don’t explain anything to audience but they interact with one another as the audience puts together the meaning themselves. My mother watches one of the oldest Soaps around “All my Children” (don’t ask me why because I don’t even think she knows why she does). Today I sat with her a watched the show, as corny as it was, it was interesting to realize that it as well as all soaps has its limitations to realism. The characters are never discussing or conversing about real life issues, like presidents, the news, politics or celebrity’s gossip but they are conversing mostly about drama within characters. As the media is popular for, gossip seems to be such a interesting aspect of life (according to viewers of these shows) I mean to change the subject of Soaps for a second, look at the jersey shore and Real Housewives of Orange county, DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA = VIWERS VIEWERS VIEWERS. The media knows what captures viewers so can we really blame it for the junk they put out their? I say yes! lol

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Media, a good thing?

So i feel like we've all been bashing the media (from what i've read) so i want to blog a positive opinion on our generations media. I must say without our internet access different TV channels and Radio stations most of us would be in the clouds about current issues that are important to America and our people. Live broadcasting and breaking news stories interrupt our lives to update and inform us on what is happening from missing children in your neighborhood to the natural disasters in Japan across the world. These important updates quickly inform us about issues, what we are trying to do to help them and what we can do to help. The clips of the tornados, earthquakes and title waves as well as the  destruction they cause educates as well as motivates the public to take action and find an interest in these situations which is what America is all about and known for. The more the issues are put out their the more volunteers we can collect in order to help these people suffering from these disasters. Fox news may be a "bias" news station but Fox also puts important information out their to us to take in. Not only does it aware us of the issues in the world it lets us be conscious of how lucky most of us are to not be in those situations. The news has come a long way,  showing us inside scoops on these situations without even having to be there.  The news informs us on the weather for the next week (not always accurate) but gives us an idea in order for us to pan ahead with life. How awesome is it to be able to turn on the TV, radio or quickly go online and check the news, weather, upcoming events. Having this information at our fingertips keeps us educated and aware of events happening all around the world, instead of just local news. However, when the news takes stories like Arnold, Lindsey Lohan and other celebrity gossip fills our head with unnecessary drama thats not only informing us about peoples personal mishaps, but polluting our minds with nonsense and the need to gossip. Getting off topic, anyways... media is something that adds to everyones lives and without it we would be lost, plain and simple. The media doesn't  always  have to be a negative subject because it CAN give us a positive  perspective on our lives.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Being a user of social media networks, like the oh so popular Face book, I find myself experiencing mixed emotions towards the admired site.  I love the perks Face book has to offer which is simply (for me) communicating with others to stay connected, checking out updated photos from friend/family events like vacations, trips, family, weddings and uploading those photos of my own to show my family and friends. Social Media has come a long way in this generation, to the point where we can “Skype” one another with live video feeds and real time talk back and forth on chats sending links of pictures and websites. It’s great to be able to be instantly connected to cousins that live far away or college roommates during summer vacations. HOWEVER, there is a poisonous side to Face book that turns me away from the social media site, it seems like more and more people of all ages (from 10 to 80) have access to a Face book account and are becoming OBSESSED with the site. My little niece who is only 12 years old for example adds a new status of what she’s doing for the day, every day!!!  I find that not safe to publicize at age 12 with all those online predators out there. Also I see bullying on her Face book page that kids say to her online but not to her face (one of the other perks of the online media worlds, sarcastically said.) They write mean personally attacking words under photos that can be VERY upsetting to a 12 year old. Anyways, the college kids are what surprise me the most with Face book, with their inappropriate posts, pictures, and business they broadcast over the site like "going out drinking for the 7th day in a row, go me" I mean what are you trying to tell the world? That your a drunk and cool?  Every time I walk in the library I see Face book  on EVERYONES computer, it’s almost disgusting that students  of adult ages  are in the library wasting hours and hours of time browsing other peoples (usually random) peoples business. People have become obsessed with Face book, gossiping about what she/he was wearing Friday night due to face book pictures, “so and so is dating so and so, it says on Face book “ “did u see the comment Joe shmoe wrote on Becky’s wall?” Ugh, it’s so annoying to hear people talk like that, its poisonous!  People are abusing the site and becoming way to obsessed with others lives, when they really should be focusing on their own. Social media can be a good and bad thing, I just can’t figure out how I feel about it…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Every news channel is obsessed with Arnold Schwarzeneggers double life. I understand this is something that once leaked is going to get out, in the tabloids!  Every news channel I turn too is obsessed with Arnolds secrete child story. Like really? Does America really care that much about his personal life? Cant they focus on what he has he done that’s good America, or for our government, focus on that! The media is exploding him and attacking his personal choices as if he killed somebody! I understand what he did is a devastating thing, TO HIS FAMILY! The media is taking this situation and turning it into a Country wide gossip channel. Are they trying to get people to turn against him, are they trying to get people to hate his position in the government?  The media has taken things so far these days and exploits personal lives to the world. I can’t get over the obsession about this affair. Where has focus on all the good things in life gone?! They dig and dig for stories of devastation, disaster, criminals, deaths and drama, if we only focus on the bad, is their room for good?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Women and the Media

Women and the media is a subject I find very engaging towards the subject of media studies. I plan on posting many blogs regarding women and the media with new and old examples and thoughts.
Women in the media are a popular and growingly accepted method of advertisement, motivation, information causes and entertainment in today’s society. Women are displayed as objects for such methods. The main aspect that stands out among these methods is that the women are typically seen as beautiful. The idea of the “perfect women” is continually displayed to our generation through all forms of media, TV, internet, communication and radio. Typically the women are thin, makeup filled, big hair, flat stomachs, big cleavage, fashionable and seen an object. This can also be seen as a sexual approach to catch the eyes of viewers and users of the media. However, is this what these women really look like in real life? So the viewers think. I feel that the image of the “perfect women” is distorted and then portrayed through media in a deceiving manor to all its viewers. This then sets false guide lines for growing girls, boys and men of what the “perfect women” should look like. Personality, values, morals, love and intelligence seem to be forgotten. Sex appeal, hair and body image becomes this generation’s main focus. Women are a huge topic for media based studies and many research and studies have been done using this topic. Women an advertisement is a growing concept that many people can agree or disagree on. I believe that this concept of the "perfect women" works very well in todays society, however it is brainwashing our generation and generations to come....?
I’m sure many of you have seen this TV commercial for sketchers shape ups  Watch the video, and think to yourself or respond to my blog. -Does this video make you think buying this shoe will make you look “perfect” like Kim and have a hot man all over you like America’s popular sex icon Kim Kardashian? -Are you more suceptable to buy this product becuase of who is advertisting it?

COMM 229 Foundations of Media Studies

Hello all,
My name is Francesca Mancinone, I am going to be a senior this fall semester at BSU. My major  is Communication Studies. I have chosen to take this online course because I found the subject to be very interesting in relation to my major. While I study at Bridgewater University I want to expand my course choices and take as many different random classes as I can, for personal interest reasons. I only have a couple more COMM classes and electives needed to fulfill my major and I am very excited as well as eager to reach my goal of graduating with my Bachelors in the spring of 2012. I look forward to taking this online class with you all. I am not sure what my future entails but I wish to do some kind of event planning for weddings, sports or fashion industries. I am also interested in the Media, by doing some kid of TV broadcasting for the news.
Fun Fact- I am from Martha’s Vineyard so this online course is very convenient for me. I enjoy relaxing on the beach and hanging with new friends!
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