Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Every news channel is obsessed with Arnold Schwarzeneggers double life. I understand this is something that once leaked is going to get out, in the tabloids!  Every news channel I turn too is obsessed with Arnolds secrete child story. Like really? Does America really care that much about his personal life? Cant they focus on what he has he done that’s good America, or for our government, focus on that! The media is exploding him and attacking his personal choices as if he killed somebody! I understand what he did is a devastating thing, TO HIS FAMILY! The media is taking this situation and turning it into a Country wide gossip channel. Are they trying to get people to turn against him, are they trying to get people to hate his position in the government?  The media has taken things so far these days and exploits personal lives to the world. I can’t get over the obsession about this affair. Where has focus on all the good things in life gone?! They dig and dig for stories of devastation, disaster, criminals, deaths and drama, if we only focus on the bad, is their room for good?


  1. I believe the reason why the media continues to "out" people with fame such as Arnold, is because this world has truly become filled with people who are FAR more concerened with everyone elses situation than they are with their own. It seems when scandals like this, Tiger Woods, and Charlie Sheen happen we have nothing better to do then sit down and glue ourselves to the television. For me, I understand it needs to get out, but lets get it out and let it go.... I understand that the things they have done are awful to the families they have and the fans they have and the communites they support....HOWEVER they are human and they make mistakes, the only reason it gets so much publicity is because of who they are and where they stand. "Joe Shmow" does these things all the time in his little rural town, but....its not on TV.....

  2. I totally agree! Don't we have more important things to worry about? It seems that people become so incredibly bored or unsatisfied with their own lives that they rely on celebrity scandals to make them feel better about themselves or to give them something to gossip about. I remember when I heard about it and I honestly thought, who cares? Now it's all over headlines but what's the point in that? Will it make America stronger? Will it provide more jobs? Will it lower gas prices? haha no! Of course it won't...so why is everyone so obsessed? And I agree, we do need to start focusing on the good! Positive energy is so contagious; if the news were to give more positive stories (not all, of course), I really think that could give people a more positive outlook on life. Then, it'll make us more positive people towards ourselves and each other! Okay, I sound like such a flower-child and I'm not sure if that made total sense...but I really do believe it. :) Great post girl!

  3. I totally agree with what you said in your post. It seems like every time I turn on the tv there's some new "breaking" story about a celebrity cheating, getting married, or breaking up. Our society puts so much time and energy and emphasis on what everyone else is doing. We are so caught up in the latest scandals and drama of people we don't even know. There are SO many more important things going on in the world- tornadoes in the midwest, earthquake in Japan, conflict in Libya, just to name a few.

    Adding to your post, I feel bad for those celebrities who get caught up in a scandal like Arnold Schwarzenegger. No I don't feel bad for Arnold, I feel bad for his family. They have to deal with this situation publicly without privacy. I get that this is all apart of being in the limelight but it gets totally taken too far. I think people fail to realize that these types of situations are real, not soap operas.

  4. I was just going through my mail and of course I get all of the "rag mags" such as US, People, InTouch, and all of them have an article about Arnold and an article about Kim Kardashian's new engagement. This stuff is all great and exciting for some people but it irritates me that there are so many important things going on in the world and these are the stories that fill our news stations and news stands. It would be nice to hear updates on the disaster in Japan, the recent tornadoes that have been happening all over the world, and other news stories that actually mean something to us.

  5. I agree that there is much more important news stories to cover, and i get irritated when i have to watch this story on my local news channel. However, with that being said, I think that stories such as this one should be covered on entertainment news channels such as E! News or in magazines such as US Weekly and InTouch. That is the magazines job, to report on celebrity news, which often means celebrity scandals. I do think that by allowing the public into your life as a celebrity, you need to accept that you will have fans as well as enemies. In my personal opinion, what he did was awful, but i would think the same thing even if he wasn't a celebrity. However, since he is, he needs to accept that the public will form opinions about it and due to the allegations, those opinions will most likely not be good.
