Friday, June 3, 2011

Cell phone, crazy

It was time for a new cell phone, so I went to the Verizon store. I have had the Envy three for as long as I can remember. I'm not technology savvy nor do I care if i have the latests ipod, computer or cell so I could care less what I get, as long as I can call people and text somebody asking them what their doing later. So, I go into the store and I'm looking around, I ask an employee to help me, (obviously). And hes showing me all these scary looking phones, Droid, Blackberry Curve the Iphone, hes telling me all these features and applications the phones can do, which scare me a little considering its foreign to me. As I looked around I saw little girls in about 8th grade begging their moms for the Blackberry Curve, so If they could do it i assumed I could. Until he told me the catch, 30 extra bucks a month for the smart phones, all of them. Since I could care less if I can check my e-mail on my phone (that's what a good old computer is for right?) i say no, as he directs me over to the ONE, yes ONE choice I have for a phone that's not a smart phone. As i picked up this little old phone, (however its a touch screen and keyboard that makes me cool right?!) I realized how technology crazy this world really truly is. You can get all sorts of Media through phones, imagine! So, then i realized, i'm happy with my dinky "out of date" phone!

1 comment:

  1. There is an absurd crazy amount of savvy phones out there right now! It is kind of overwhelming but that is the true catch for most people. I feel a lot of people have it because they are always on the run or for business and like to be in touch with their emails or what not. Have you seen the new iphones with face time? Yes you can actually sit and talk and see the other person through your phone. I think it’s crazy but cool at the same time of how technology is coming these days! What’s next? I am sure they will come out with something crazy this year.
