Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Media, a good thing?

So i feel like we've all been bashing the media (from what i've read) so i want to blog a positive opinion on our generations media. I must say without our internet access different TV channels and Radio stations most of us would be in the clouds about current issues that are important to America and our people. Live broadcasting and breaking news stories interrupt our lives to update and inform us on what is happening from missing children in your neighborhood to the natural disasters in Japan across the world. These important updates quickly inform us about issues, what we are trying to do to help them and what we can do to help. The clips of the tornados, earthquakes and title waves as well as the  destruction they cause educates as well as motivates the public to take action and find an interest in these situations which is what America is all about and known for. The more the issues are put out their the more volunteers we can collect in order to help these people suffering from these disasters. Fox news may be a "bias" news station but Fox also puts important information out their to us to take in. Not only does it aware us of the issues in the world it lets us be conscious of how lucky most of us are to not be in those situations. The news has come a long way,  showing us inside scoops on these situations without even having to be there.  The news informs us on the weather for the next week (not always accurate) but gives us an idea in order for us to pan ahead with life. How awesome is it to be able to turn on the TV, radio or quickly go online and check the news, weather, upcoming events. Having this information at our fingertips keeps us educated and aware of events happening all around the world, instead of just local news. However, when the news takes stories like Arnold, Lindsey Lohan and other celebrity gossip fills our head with unnecessary drama thats not only informing us about peoples personal mishaps, but polluting our minds with nonsense and the need to gossip. Getting off topic, anyways... media is something that adds to everyones lives and without it we would be lost, plain and simple. The media doesn't  always  have to be a negative subject because it CAN give us a positive  perspective on our lives.

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