Tuesday, June 7, 2011

When technology fails we become stupid

So, technology is great and all, we’ve established this through this blogging assignment, that indeed technology it has its perks, like, keeping in touch with family and friends- FaceBook and e-mail. Updating us on life situations, disasters, politics, and tragic stories- television. Listening to music, hottest rap artist country singers, and an occasional chance to win concert tickets- the radio. Looking up information at the touch of your fingers using Google, Yahoo – Computer Internet access, AND lastly being able to text and call somebody, anybody, where ever you are with the touch of your mobile device- cell phones. HOWEVER, what happens with these things malfunction or break. What do we do then? It’s funny  to me how technology gives us the smarts to look up information, connect with people from across the world or edit photos and movies, but then when it breaks….what’s so smart about us then. Don’t get me wrong a lot of people know tricks and ways of fixing technology and there’s always customer service. But what about all those who can’t get around fixing it, which are many.  We are left with nothing and right back to square one, before technology got so complex. I’ll use myself as an example, when I was out to dinner waiting for my friend to meet me from work. As I sit, my phone (NEW PHONE GR) decided to stop working for me and goes black screened, so  I sat there for 30 minutes alone as she never arrived; their I am clueless as to what happened to her because my dam cell phone broke.( And because of the cell phone, who remember numbers anymore!) I couldn’t remember her number to use somebody else’s to call her. I also didn’t know if I should wait longer, go to her work and see if she had to work longer or go home! It was so frustrating, I almost felt panicked. Anyways just an example of how “dumb” (no offence) we are left when technology stops working. What about the television, when the cable goes out in the middle of breaking news, how freaked out do we get!? Anyways, my point is, How stupid do we feel when technology breaks! It’s so sad, but hey this is our generation and what life has come to be! Scary!


  1. I definitely agree with you Francesca! I work at Pandora and with every customer I have to ask for the telephone number of who they are purchasing for. And with almost every person, they have to take out their cell phone and look up the number. When I was younger I used to have all my friends' numbers memorized; now I am lucky if I know a couple. Another example lies in cash registers. I feel that if a cash register broke people would not remember how to add and would struggle with the correct amount of change to give back to the customer. Like you said there are a lot of good things about technology, but I also feel as the technology gets better we get less competent.

  2. I completely agree! Its awful how much we rely on things like our cell phones! I forget exactly what i was doing, but i was filling out some type of paperwork and i needed my fathers cell phone number. The woman who was doing the paper work for me asked me for his number, and i literally had to dig through my purse, get my cell phone, and look it up! I was so embarrassed, i didn't even know my dads number. Why do we have to memorize anything when we have cell phones that do it for us?! Its awful but also kind of funny how much our generation relies on technology.

  3. It's funny you post about this, because earlier today due to the thunder/lightning storms, there was a power outage for about an hour or so at my house. When it happened, I was in the middle of cruising the internet and had my TV on in the background, my Dad was watching TV, and my brother was in his room on his computer. When the power went off, we all just kind of went into the kitchen and seemed at a loss for what to do, so I completely get the "dumb" factor here. Even with the power outage, my brother and I still clung to the little bit of technology that still worked: our cell phones. I eventually moved away from that and picked up a book (our text for this class, actually) and browsed that for a while. It took a power outage for me to pick up a book, while my brother and dad both respectively ended up falling asleep. Hopefully there won't be any long-term power outages anytime soon; I don't know what anyone in our generation would do.
