Sunday, June 12, 2011


I was reading an article about cybersex and how it’s considered as a form of adultery these days. I was reading this article because it’s a subject that was brought up in another online course which I am currently enrolled in. We were disusing in a discussion board if we think cybersex is a form of adultery. The girls in my group posted that they do not feel that “CMC” (computer mediated communication) cybersex and sexting via cell phones is considered cheating. They said they would not terminate any kind of romantic relationship if they found out their significant other was doing this, however they would tell them to stop and if they didn’t then they would. My opinion stood out from theirs because I believe cybersex or sexting through cell phones IS a form of adultery. I’m sorry, but if my boyfriend is sexting or cybersexing (however you call it) another girl sending and receiving dirty photos and using intimate language back and forth I would NOT be ok with this. Even though this is not physically being done, there is still an emotional bond between the two participants of this act. They are expressing sexual interests and that’s a personal, intimate thing that you do only with your significant other. I mean, wouldn’t he or she be hiding this act, yes, so why are they hiding it? Because it’s WRONG! Cybersex is so common these days it can even become an addiction. I think the sex through the net is a real life encounter even though not physically. It takes two to tango, and your real life talking back and forth obviously hiding these CMC and cellphone relationships, then how is this not a form of cheet? I just don’t see how anybody would think this is not a form of cheating if you have a significant other.  This is the article I was reading, and I can completely agree with it, hands down. Now I’m not one to judge so I hope I didn’t offend anybody but I would love to hear you guy’s opinions on this, if you agree or disagree. Interesting topic

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