Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rude !

I waitress as a summer job, and I enjoy the face to face communication and interactions with the pubic. I like hearing peoples random stories and inputs and giving people information about the island in which I live. I typically go around my job with a perky attitude and manors manors manors.  HOWEVER, some people in this world don't have a manor in them. It is amazing to me, to experience rude people who give a crap less about a server. Today for example this man and his wife came in, right as I walked up the table he rudly spits out the order at me, not even looking at my me! He didn't let me greet them, tell them the specials or ask them if they wanted drinks or coffee, This throws off my routine so I politely said, "I'm sorry Sr, let me grab you the juices and coffee first, then I quickly grab your order. He just sits their in silence, as his wife starts asking me these ridiculous questions, like, " Can I have your decaf tea, but is is fake decaf tea or real decaf tea" I said "Well mam, it says decaffeinated herbal mint tea on the box" the man  rudely intertups saying "Go get the package and let us see four ourselves" (hes lucky my boss had her day off, she loves rude people) I was appalled at his rude manor ism. it was disgusting that people can be so rude to others especially a server, he treated me as if I was his slave. The fact people in this generation can treat others with such disrespect, makes me think about how much communication between people has been altered and failed. I also wait on tons and tons of children who also have NO manors, they grab the juice out of my hand, say "i don't want this anymore" and push a plate at me, " i want milk" no please no thank yous, as the parents just sit their. Its just so sad, parenting is lacking these days. Manors are so important when communication with strangers and especially wile in a restaurant enviorment.


  1. Working in customer service can definitely be tough! I can relate to your story. I've never worked in a restaurant but i was a receptionist at Mercedes Benz for years, and still to this day i have never met more rude people in my life! I remember one man called up and was upset over a service issue (i was not even in the service department) and before i could direct his call he just starts screaming at me and swearing at me. I was 17 years old in high school! I immediately ran to the bathroom and started crying. That is one of many many stories of the lack of manors some people have. I do not miss that job!

  2. I completely agree with you Francesca!! I think it is appalling that kids and adults these days have no manors. My parents did a great job raising me having respect for people I don't know. It is very important to give a good first impression because you never know who you are meeting. Whether it be a waitress or a secretary or anyone, manors are imperative!

  3. I totally agree! I had someone come into my work all the time and there so rude. It seems to be the older people they have no patience’s and just get to the point of what they want. We have a routine. If they don’t want to be served then don’t come out to eat! But it is our job to be polite so we get a good job so we can’t be rude back which stinks unless we don’t want a tip or to get fired
