Friday, May 27, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Being a user of social media networks, like the oh so popular Face book, I find myself experiencing mixed emotions towards the admired site.  I love the perks Face book has to offer which is simply (for me) communicating with others to stay connected, checking out updated photos from friend/family events like vacations, trips, family, weddings and uploading those photos of my own to show my family and friends. Social Media has come a long way in this generation, to the point where we can “Skype” one another with live video feeds and real time talk back and forth on chats sending links of pictures and websites. It’s great to be able to be instantly connected to cousins that live far away or college roommates during summer vacations. HOWEVER, there is a poisonous side to Face book that turns me away from the social media site, it seems like more and more people of all ages (from 10 to 80) have access to a Face book account and are becoming OBSESSED with the site. My little niece who is only 12 years old for example adds a new status of what she’s doing for the day, every day!!!  I find that not safe to publicize at age 12 with all those online predators out there. Also I see bullying on her Face book page that kids say to her online but not to her face (one of the other perks of the online media worlds, sarcastically said.) They write mean personally attacking words under photos that can be VERY upsetting to a 12 year old. Anyways, the college kids are what surprise me the most with Face book, with their inappropriate posts, pictures, and business they broadcast over the site like "going out drinking for the 7th day in a row, go me" I mean what are you trying to tell the world? That your a drunk and cool?  Every time I walk in the library I see Face book  on EVERYONES computer, it’s almost disgusting that students  of adult ages  are in the library wasting hours and hours of time browsing other peoples (usually random) peoples business. People have become obsessed with Face book, gossiping about what she/he was wearing Friday night due to face book pictures, “so and so is dating so and so, it says on Face book “ “did u see the comment Joe shmoe wrote on Becky’s wall?” Ugh, it’s so annoying to hear people talk like that, its poisonous!  People are abusing the site and becoming way to obsessed with others lives, when they really should be focusing on their own. Social media can be a good and bad thing, I just can’t figure out how I feel about it…


  1. I agree with every point you made in your post.... I have mixed emotions about social networking sites, especially Facebook. One of the biggest reasons I have a Facebook page is to stay connected with people, especially my friends and family across the country. What I don't love about Facebook is how a lot of people don't use any discretion when they're posting things, whether it be on their status or on other people's walls. I also don't like the fact that EVERYONE has to have a Facebook. I remember when it first came out and a friends older sister was showing us her page (this was when it was only open to college students). Now, like you said, everyone of any age has one.

    One other thing that I find both humorous and concerning is how serious people take Facebook. A relationship isnt considered "official" until you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are listed as "in a relationship" on Facebook. I also read in an article about how social networking sites are changing how people communicate face to face. People get so used to communicating through a computer screen that they lose their ability to socialize with actual people... Kinda scary.

    I understand the benefits and great things that have come out of the growing social network sites. But theres a point when it just becomes too much.

  2. Yes agreed, I like how you mentioned the article you read about networking sites changing face to face interaction and loosing the ability to socialize with actual people. I've experienced this myself as i'm sure you and many people have. For example when somebody will chat you, but never say a word to you in public! Or friend request you and when you see them in real life look away. Ugh Hate that!Damn FB!

  3. hmm this is interesting. I dont have or use a Facebook, however i feel your aggravation. I believe that Facebook and Myspace were created with good intentions and they are setup to work perfectly as social networking sites, however, like you said, people take advantage and abuse them. Its got so bad when i even hear people talking about facebook (Yes people actually waste time TALKING about a social networking website) it makes me laugh.

  4. I couldn't agree more. In high school and in my first few years of college I was certainly like the rest if the people in the library you mentiond in your post. The first thing I did in the morning before i would brush my teeth is check out facebook to see pictures from the night before or to see what people were up to. Thinking back on it, I want to punch myself in the face then. I believe that social networking is good for some things, ask me what they are and I couldn't tell you. I make the fense that it let's you connect with your old friends or stay in touch with people. But if your friendship has got to the point where you have to write on each others walls instead of picking up the phone, maybe its time to reevaluate the friendship. I still have my account and rarely use it but I can probably see the end of mine coming soon, it just doesnt do what it used to for me.
